Friday, November 1, 2013

Infinite Exposure - promotional version

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Infinite Exposure - promotional version cover

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This promotional version of Infinite Exposure contains the first 18 chapters.

On the road to a bleaker future, is there still a chance to get it right? This work of fiction uses historical information and relevant news stories to draw a line from post 9/11 through the off-shoring of IT jobs and the largest terrorist strike the free world has ever known to the resulting nuclear war. The world will have seen many countries deploy nuclear weapons. Anarchy will reign in many parts of the world and electricity will be considered a luxury nearly everywhere. That, however, is not the interesting part of the story. How we got there is a far more interesting tale indeed. Follow the story from post 9/11 to where it all went bad and see if you can find a way out, not just for yourself, but for everyone.

Do you know where your bank's data center is? Read this to find out why you should care.

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